Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Lost Snapper Turtle

A snapper turtle was found roaming East Main Street in West Brookfield, Ma on Monday evening. A West Brookfield Police Officer and Millie LaCharme both helped to save the turtle by helping her to find a safer home off of Route 9 at a nearby pond next to the Honey Bee Farm. Millie said that she was driving by, saw my son looking down at the ground and slowed down to see what he was looking at. She told me that she couldn't believe that it was a very large snapper turtle. The local police was called to the scene and escorted Millie and the turtle to the pond where she put the turtle in the water. The turtle swam away and will hopefully have a safer place to lay her eggs.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Welcome to Super Shooter Photography (Blog)

Super Shooter Photography

Showcasing my writing, journalism, photojournalism and photography.
I also freelance.